
Showing posts from 2020
Coronavirus  Covid-19 Open Source Ventilator Check out this link... How-fast-can-we-design-and-deploy-an-open-source-ventilator I would actually like to start making a ventilator as soon as I can. There is a lot of technical details I am not in a position to understand quickly. I learn best doing something and working with what I have around me. I hand drew up a design I think I could make in my shed (see below) First I need to know if I have understood the concept correctly. Then I need to fine tune the details. I want to keep the main elements modular so as and when improvements are available they can be swapped out. 1) Variable air pump 2) Filters 3) Air temperature control 4) valves + oxygen mixing 5) Air pressure regulation 6) sensors 7) electronic controls The simplest design I could think of that I could make was to use two bellows on a rocking frame. The sketch shows how I imagine the bellows would hang and be driven using a stepper motor and belt...
Corona virus Covid-19 ... Open Source Ventilator ...
The aim is to establish sustainable self help groups around Bolton for its aging population using technologies that help them share skills, stay active and connected. A bit like Men in Sheds for rocket scientists. To instigate this project the idea is to work on smaller projects first; to learn and build up from there. The first idea is to create small cost effective automated agricultural growing systems for urban living and then gradually become more ambitious. An example would be to develop affordable robotic exoskeletons as mobility aids. At the same time putting in place the infrastructure to finance, distribute and provide support. Due to the current Covid-19 crisis this project will initially be conducted via a curated Facebook page: to be developed on an ongoing basis. And maybe this Blog ( ) This project is in the first phase, and that is: To create the expertise and find resources. Those interested ...